Quantuloop Quantum Simulator Suite for HPC

Quantuloop Access Token#


A Quantuloop Access Token is required to use the Quantuloop Quantum Simulator Suite for HPC on-premise without a product subscription on the AWS Marketplace. This token is only available for Quantuloop partners and customers. If your institution is a Quantuloop partner or customer, please contact your manager or reach out to Quantuloop for more information on how to obtain the access token.

Quantuloop Quantum Simulator Suite for HPC is compatible with most x86_64 Linux distros, including Ubuntu 20.04, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, and new releases. NVIDIA driver compatible with CUDA 12 and NVIDIA GPU with architecture Volta or newer is required.


You can install the Quantuloop Quantum Simulator Suite for HPC using pip, poetry, or requirements.txt. Here are the commands to install it using each of these methods:

pip install quantuloop-simulator --index-url https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/43029789/packages/pypi/simple

Poetry is a dependency manager for Python. You can install it by running:

pip install poetry

After installing poetry, you can add the Quantuloop Quantum Simulator Suite for HPC as a dependency to your project by running:

poetry source add quantuloop https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/43029789/packages/pypi/simple --secondary
poetry add quantuloop-simulator

You can add the Quantuloop Quantum Simulator Suite for HPC to your project’s requirements.txt file by adding the following lines:

--extra-index-url https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/43029789/packages/pypi/simple


To use the Quantuloop Quantum Simulator Suite for HPC, you need to set the quantum execution target and your Quantuloop Access Token using the function quantuloop_simulator.get_simulator().

Here is an example of how to set the quantum execution target and the access token:

import ket
import quantuloop_simulator as ql

# Set the quantum simulator and access token
    token="YOUR.ACCESS.TOKEN"  # Add your Quantuloop access token here

process = ket.Process(
        simulator="dense",  # Specify the simulator type - "dense" or "sparse"

You can also customize other simulation parameters, such as the number of GPUs and the float point precision used in the simulation. By default, the simulator uses all GPUs and single precision. Here are some examples:

process = ket.Process(
        simulator="dense", # Specify the simulator type - "dense" or "sparse"
        # Set the floating point precision to double precision
        precision=2 # 2 indicates double precision
        # Set the maximum number of GPUs to 4

Technical support#

For technical support, please email support@quantuloop.com. Our team of experts is ready to help you with any questions you may have regarding the installation, configuration, and usage of Quantuloop Quantum Simulator Suite for HPC.


  • How can I get access to the Quantuloop Quantum Simulator Suite for HPC on-premises?

    You can get access to the Quantum Simulator Suite for HPC on-premises by obtaining a Quantuloop Access Token from Quantuloop’s commercial team. This token enables you to run the Quantum Simulator Suite for HPC offline.

    Additionally, the fastest way to get access to the Quantum Simulator Suite for HPC on-premises is by using Amazon ECS Anywhere, a service that allows you to run containerized applications on any infrastructure. With Amazon ECS Anywhere, you can easily deploy the Quantum Simulator Suite for HPC on your own hardware.

  • What is a Quantuloop Access Token?

    A Quantuloop Access Token is a unique token that enables you to run the Quantuloop Quantum Simulator Suite for HPC on-premises without connecting a internet connection. It is issued by Quantuloop and can be used to authenticate your access to the simulator suite.

  • How do I get a Quantuloop Access Token?

    To get a Quantuloop Access Token, you need to contact Quantuloop commercial team at contact@quantuloop.com. They will provide you with a token and instructions on how to use it.

  • Can I use a Quantuloop Access Token to run the simulator suite offline?

    Yes, you can use a Quantuloop Access Token to run the simulator suite offline. This means that you do not need an internet connection to run the simulator suite, and your quantum computation is not sent to third parties.

  • How long is a Quantuloop Access Token valid for?

    A Quantuloop Access Token has an expiration date set by Quantuloop’s commercial team when they issue the token to you. You should ensure that your token is still valid before using it to run the simulator suite.

  • What happens if my Quantuloop Access Token expires?

    If your Quantuloop Access Token expires, you will not be able to use it to authenticate your access to the simulator suite. You will need to contact Quantuloop’s commercial team again to get a new token.

  • Is there a cost associated with using a Quantuloop Access Token?

    Yes, there is a cost associated with using a Quantuloop Access Token. contact Quantuloop at contact@quantuloop.com to get more information about pricing.